Summing Up – Let The Dance Begin – And Be Polite To Islam

american-flag-upsideIt was jihad.  It was jihad in 622 A.D. and it’s jihad today.  It’s a holy war against the World of Infidels, to be waged by the forces of Islam into eternity.  Yes, Islam is at war with us.  The Saudi Arabian government finances it.  Yes, the same royal family to whom American Presidents bow and scrape provides money, materiel and soldiers of Allah to kill us.

Two Muslims, who happen to be brothers from Chechnya, set a couple of backpacks filled with explosives and shrapnel near the finish line of the Boston Marathon.  The bombs detonated, killing and maiming.  Many of the wounded will rightfully believe they’d have been better off had they died, so horrible and disfiguring will be their injuries.  When a bomb explodes, the shrapnel comes off it at incomprehensible speeds and it’s white hot.  In this case, according to the reports, it was steel ball bearings and nails.  A few years back, the Irish Republican Army used carriage bolts in their UK bombs, along with 16 penny nails.  The damage done to human bodies is horrifying.

Now the dancing, dodging and parrying begins.  The politicians will scramble to position themselves so as to put themselves in the best possible light.  President Obama, who, like his predecessor George W. Bush, forbade the use of the words terrorism in conjunction with Islam, will again assure us that we’re winning the day, that the forces of Al Qaida are on the run.

My ass.

Al Qaida isn’t the problem.  The Taliban isn’t the problem.  Hamas isn’t the problem.  Hezbollah isn’t the problem.  Islam is the problem – its doctrines, tenets, goals and beliefs.  Islam is at war with us.  Mainstream Islam.  Not some tiny group of extremists who’ve hijacked a noble faith and are using it to achieve non-Islamic goals.  Yet, we’ll not read any of that in a newspaper or hear it said on any television news broadcast.  You see, it’s just not polite to tell the truth about the scourge of the earth, the jihad campaigns which have brought humanity more misery and killed more millions of human beings than any other political ideology in the history of the world.

I have yet to hear any news report or commentary that in any way links what happened on 9/11/01, 9/11/12 in Benghazi, or last week in Boston with the doctrines of Islam – to the Quran or the Hadithe.  And my guess is that there will be no such reports.  Americans will just have to wander about in abject confusion about why the Muslims keep doing these things to us.  

Just don’t ask if any of this is in the Quran.  It’s not polite to insult them.

About John L. Work

John Lloyd Work has taken the detective thriller genre and woven an occasional political thread throughout his books, morphing what was once considered an arena reserved for pure fiction into believable, terrifying, futuristic, true-to-life “faction”. He traveled the uniformed patrolman’s path, answering brutal domestic violence calls, high speed chases, homicides, suicides, armed robberies, breaking up bar fights, and the accompanying sporadic unpredictable moments of terror - which eventually come to all police officers, sometimes when least expected. He gradually absorbed the hard fact that the greatest danger a cop faces comes in the form of day-to-day encounters with emotionally disturbed, highly intoxicated people. Those experiences can wear a cop down, grinding on his own emotions and psyche. Prolonged exposure to the worst of people and people at their worst can soon make him believe that the world is a sewer. That police officer’s reality is a common thread throughout Work’s crime fiction books. Following his graduation from high school, Work studied music and became a professional performer, conductor and teacher. Life made a sudden, unexpected turn when, one afternoon in 1976, his cousin, who eventually became the Chief of the Ontario, California, Police Department, talked him into riding along during a patrol shift. The musician was hooked into becoming a police officer. After working for two years as a reserve officer in Southern California and in Boulder, Colorado, he joined the Longmont, Colorado Police Department. Work served there for seven years, investigating crimes as a patrolman, detective and patrol sergeant. In 1989 he joined the Adams County, Colorado Sheriff’s Office, where he soon learned that locking a criminal up inside a jail or prison does not put him out of business. As a sheriff’s detective he investigated hundreds of crimes, including eleven contract murder conspiracies which originated “inside the walls”. While serving on the Adams County North Metro Gang Task Force and as a member of the Colorado Security Threat Intelligence Network Group (STING), Work designed a seminar on how a criminal’s mind formulates his victim selection strategy. Over a period of six years he taught that class in sheriff’s academies and colleges throughout Colorado. He saw the world of crime both inside the walls and out on the streets. His final experiences in the criminal law field were with the Colorado State Public Defender’s Office, where for nearly two years he investigated felonies from the defense side of the Courtroom. Twenty-two years of observing human nature at its worst, combined with watching some profound changes in America’s culture and political institutions, provided plenty of material for his first three books. A self-published author, he just finished writing his tenth thriller.
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5 Responses to Summing Up – Let The Dance Begin – And Be Polite To Islam

  1. Carol says:

    You’re dead on right to show the American flag hanging upside down, John, since the only federally permissible reason to fly the American flag upside down is as a signal of distress. This distress is defined as being extreme danger to life and property…and with what is going on with Islam and Jihad coming to fruition in a BIG way on our shores, we ARE in extreme danger to life and property. If our politicians won’t speak up, the American people MUST get educated as to what is going on and raise the battle cry! Thank you, John, for your contribution to that education.

  2. dmbara says:

    I have shared your blog on my Facebook page. I am tired of being politically correct at the expense of our lives.

  3. dmbara says:

    The Boston Bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev should be tried as enemy combatant and should NOT have been Mirandized. Here is why: He recently became a citizen, less than a year ago, taking an oath to uphold the constitution. His actions prove that he lied. His citizenship should be revoked immediately. He has been a citizen for less than a year and I am sure he and his brother were planning this attack in Boston when he lied taking the oath of citizenship. He got his citizenship because he knew our laws would protect him and he will get away with this. Not only did he lie but he is affiliated with a terrorist group through his cooperation with his brother Tamerlan. Tamerlan had ties to Islamic Radicalism and Russia warned the US in 2011 about him.

    A reason to revoke citizenship:”Membership in a subversive organization or group within five years after you became a naturalized citizen could lead to revocation of your citizenship. The Communist Party and terrorist groups are the classic examples of “subversive” organizations.”

    REVOKE HIS CITIZENSHIP. Try him as an enemy combatant. Don’t let him get away with this horrible act and send a strong message to other terrorist who are planning similar acts after they become citizens. There has been no mention of the fact that his citizenship can be revoked. Why is that?

    • John L. Work says:

      It’s all very odd, isn’t it. The Obama Administration seems to have little or no interest in protecting us from the forces of Islam, and has done everything it can to turn the entire Middle East over to the Muslim Brotherhood. Meanwhile Duck Dynasty is the #1 rated TV show in the nation. I’m of the opinion thata most Americans are entirely oblivious to what’s happening to us. Sad to write it.

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