Bostom Speaks Ugly Truth To Helen Glover About Iran’s Koranic Final Solution For Israel

Andrew Bostom

Eastern conservative talk show heavy hitter Helen Glover recently hosted the dauntless counter-jihad author Andrew Bostom, who spoke to his NRO article about the increasingly sinister situation between Iran and Israel.  A brillian historian, physician and medical professor at Brown University, Bostom also addressed the astonishing refusal of the vaunted United Nations and Hillary Clinton’s Department of State to acknowledge the credibility of the Iranian government’s oft-stated intentions to fulfill Islam’s historical Koranic mandate – kill all of the world’s Jews.

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it.  I told you in the headline, this is ugly stuff.  Here’s a link to the eleven-minutes long interview, and some of Bostom’s more noteworthy comments I transcribed:

…”What I wanted to present in my [NRO] piece was the fact that this is a very deep-seated theolgical hatred, unfortunately, that has emanated from Iran for a long time.  And what we saw in 1979 was a revival and certainly an apocalyptic variant. because of the end gathering of Jews, you know, to Israel, and the revitalization of a country who was thought to have been a part of the dust bin of history.  And this has just made the theological sentiments so much worse.  And they’ve been reiterated continuously for thirty years, since Khomeini, himself.  They’ve now been coupled to a nuclear program.  You know, Khomeini always spoke metaphorically about getting rid of Israel, you know, using various metaphors like, if all the Muslims of the world carried a cup of water and just washed it away…the express purpose is to annihilate the Jewish State, and the fervor is so intense that even knowing that Israel has, you know, a capable nuclear program, that the leaders of Iran have argued that they could withstand a retaliatory [nuclear] strike, whereas, Israel, being a very small country, could not withstand a strike.  And so, that, it’s sort of martyrdom an a mass scale…”

If you’re not versed in Muslim doctrine, martyrdom, getting one’s self killed in an act of violent jihad (killing Infidels) is a sure ticket to paradise with all its attendant benefits.

Listen to the entire interview.  If Barack Obama truly had the interests of preserving Western freedoms and institutions at heart, he’d have Dr. Bostom or one of his distinguished colleagues closeby for sage advice.

About John L. Work

John Lloyd Work has taken the detective thriller genre and woven an occasional political thread throughout his books, morphing what was once considered an arena reserved for pure fiction into believable, terrifying, futuristic, true-to-life “faction”. He traveled the uniformed patrolman’s path, answering brutal domestic violence calls, high speed chases, homicides, suicides, armed robberies, breaking up bar fights, and the accompanying sporadic unpredictable moments of terror - which eventually come to all police officers, sometimes when least expected. He gradually absorbed the hard fact that the greatest danger a cop faces comes in the form of day-to-day encounters with emotionally disturbed, highly intoxicated people. Those experiences can wear a cop down, grinding on his own emotions and psyche. Prolonged exposure to the worst of people and people at their worst can soon make him believe that the world is a sewer. That police officer’s reality is a common thread throughout Work’s crime fiction books. Following his graduation from high school, Work studied music and became a professional performer, conductor and teacher. Life made a sudden, unexpected turn when, one afternoon in 1976, his cousin, who eventually became the Chief of the Ontario, California, Police Department, talked him into riding along during a patrol shift. The musician was hooked into becoming a police officer. After working for two years as a reserve officer in Southern California and in Boulder, Colorado, he joined the Longmont, Colorado Police Department. Work served there for seven years, investigating crimes as a patrolman, detective and patrol sergeant. In 1989 he joined the Adams County, Colorado Sheriff’s Office, where he soon learned that locking a criminal up inside a jail or prison does not put him out of business. As a sheriff’s detective he investigated hundreds of crimes, including eleven contract murder conspiracies which originated “inside the walls”. While serving on the Adams County North Metro Gang Task Force and as a member of the Colorado Security Threat Intelligence Network Group (STING), Work designed a seminar on how a criminal’s mind formulates his victim selection strategy. Over a period of six years he taught that class in sheriff’s academies and colleges throughout Colorado. He saw the world of crime both inside the walls and out on the streets. His final experiences in the criminal law field were with the Colorado State Public Defender’s Office, where for nearly two years he investigated felonies from the defense side of the Courtroom. Twenty-two years of observing human nature at its worst, combined with watching some profound changes in America’s culture and political institutions, provided plenty of material for his first three books. A self-published author, he just finished writing his tenth thriller.
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