Lakin Guilty As Charged On All Counts – Obama Hides – The Truth Eludes Us

Guilty As Charged - Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin

Good Soldiers, Marines, Navy SEALS, Airmen and other military personnel are fighting and dying every day in Afghanistan and Iraq – on behalf of every citizen of this Republic.  My deceased father, a combat veteran of the China-Burma-India Theater of Operations during World War II, often said, “sometimes people get killed in wars”.

 Yesterday, Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin was convicted of four charges for refusing orders that would have sent him to the war in Afghanistan.  He is a highly decorated Army Flight Surgeon who, until this decision he made to disobey his orders, had an unblemished record.  He wears a Bronze Star on his uniform.

 He is guilty as charged.  He faces three and one-half years at hard labor in Leavenworth Prison for his defiance.  Lakin wanted to be certain that his orders to deploy were lawful – that the Commander In Chief is Constitutionally eligible to hold his elected office. He was not allowed to present any documents or witnesses in his own defense.

 It is a soldier’s duty to not obey unlawful orders.  That tenet was firmly established at the Nuremburg trials following World War II, when German military officers invoked the orders they were given in defense of their actions.  Many of them, who were direct or indirect participants in the killing of civilians during Hitler’s extermination of Europe’s Jews, were executed by hanging. 

 Obeying an unlawful order can send you to prison or to the gallows as surely as disobeying a lawful one.

 The elected Commander In Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, is purported to be a natural born citizen, as is required by the Constitution.  The fact that he has covered all of his records – college, university, financial aid, selective service, passport application, long form birth certificate – all of it – by means of Court Orders, is most disturbing.  What is not concealed by the Courts he has refused to release.  All we know about this man is what he told us in his two books.  Enough documents have been uncovered through several ongoing investigations to discredit much of what his books tell us, casting credible doubt upon the veracity of the reports he has given us regarding his origins and life story.

 Obama continues to hide behind his Court Orders.  He was never vetted by the so-called American Press Corps, by any television media outlets, or by the Congress which, by the way, compelled 2008 presidential candidate John McCain to produce his proof of citizenship – or by the Democratic Party that placed Obama’s name into nomination.

 If Obama’s true origins are ever revealed, and he is found to not be Constitutionally eligible to hold the office he now occupies, it will be among the greatest frauds in history ever to be perpetrated on a People.  It will be an immense crime wherein all of the forensic evidence, in this case his documented history, was buried before the crime was actually committed.

 The investigations go on.  Eligibility lawsuits are still active and pending.  A new Congress will be sworn in come January.  They who are content for the truth to remain hidden chant accusations of racism at them who are asking for answers.  Calling a person who asks for a straight answer to a question a racist is a handy means to end the questioning.  No one wants to be labeled a racist.  And the truth is still concealed.

 Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin is a hero.

About John L. Work

John Lloyd Work has taken the detective thriller genre and woven an occasional political thread throughout his books, morphing what was once considered an arena reserved for pure fiction into believable, terrifying, futuristic, true-to-life “faction”. He traveled the uniformed patrolman’s path, answering brutal domestic violence calls, high speed chases, homicides, suicides, armed robberies, breaking up bar fights, and the accompanying sporadic unpredictable moments of terror - which eventually come to all police officers, sometimes when least expected. He gradually absorbed the hard fact that the greatest danger a cop faces comes in the form of day-to-day encounters with emotionally disturbed, highly intoxicated people. Those experiences can wear a cop down, grinding on his own emotions and psyche. Prolonged exposure to the worst of people and people at their worst can soon make him believe that the world is a sewer. That police officer’s reality is a common thread throughout Work’s crime fiction books. Following his graduation from high school, Work studied music and became a professional performer, conductor and teacher. Life made a sudden, unexpected turn when, one afternoon in 1976, his cousin, who eventually became the Chief of the Ontario, California, Police Department, talked him into riding along during a patrol shift. The musician was hooked into becoming a police officer. After working for two years as a reserve officer in Southern California and in Boulder, Colorado, he joined the Longmont, Colorado Police Department. Work served there for seven years, investigating crimes as a patrolman, detective and patrol sergeant. In 1989 he joined the Adams County, Colorado Sheriff’s Office, where he soon learned that locking a criminal up inside a jail or prison does not put him out of business. As a sheriff’s detective he investigated hundreds of crimes, including eleven contract murder conspiracies which originated “inside the walls”. While serving on the Adams County North Metro Gang Task Force and as a member of the Colorado Security Threat Intelligence Network Group (STING), Work designed a seminar on how a criminal’s mind formulates his victim selection strategy. Over a period of six years he taught that class in sheriff’s academies and colleges throughout Colorado. He saw the world of crime both inside the walls and out on the streets. His final experiences in the criminal law field were with the Colorado State Public Defender’s Office, where for nearly two years he investigated felonies from the defense side of the Courtroom. Twenty-two years of observing human nature at its worst, combined with watching some profound changes in America’s culture and political institutions, provided plenty of material for his first three books. A self-published author, he just finished writing his tenth thriller.
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15 Responses to Lakin Guilty As Charged On All Counts – Obama Hides – The Truth Eludes Us

  1. jimmy says:

    Sounds like a WINGNUT

  2. ohioborn1 says:

    An illegal order is one that violates the laws of war. The order “Go to Afghanistan” is not an illegal order. The eligibility of the president has nothing to do with whether an order is legal or illegal unless the president himself gave the order. In this case the order was given to Lakin by a superior officer, a full colonel or a general, and he chose to disobey it. He will have to suffer the consequences.

  3. Tollgrade22 says:

    Re: “The fact that he has covered all of his records – college, university, financial aid, selective service, passport application, long form birth certificate – all of it – by means of Court Orders, is most disturbing.”

    Obama has published the official birth certificate of Hawaii. No president has ever shown his college records, financial aid, passport applications, etc. Yes the birth certificate that Obama showed is a short-form birth certificate, but that is the only birth certificate that Hawaii has sent out to anyone since it became the official birth certificate in 2001. There are no court orders sealing any of Obama’s records. His college records, passport records, etc were always private–like everyone’s–and they remain private. That is all.

  4. ohioborn1 says:

    Replying to this: “The fact that he has covered all of his records – college, university, financial aid, selective service, passport application, long form birth certificate – all of it – by means of Court Orders, is most disturbing.”

    Answer: Obama has published the OFFICIAL birth certificate of Hawaii. The Certification of Live Birth, which is the one that he has published, is the official and only birth certificate that Hawaii has issued since 2001.

    No president has ever shown detailed college records–a few showed grade-point averages, but neither McCain nor Obama did in the latest election. No president has shown financial aid forms or passport applications, etc. There is no law that says that a president must show these documents, but if an opponent of Obama does in the next election, Obama is likely to do so too. Obama’s files were not sealed by court order or executive order. They are simply private files, just like everyone else’s private files, and there has never been a court order or executive order that seals them or made them any more private than they have always been.

  5. Jose says:

    It has been established, and accepted by eevn Newt Gingrich, that Obama is natural born. When someone intentionally uses his middle name, but not the “Jr.” it’s guaranteed they are trying to cast doubt. Fortuately, there are enough sane people to see through this charade. Anyone who thinks a FORMER officer in the military who is guilty of disobeying an order to go to war, from the President, is as guilty as they are who committed this act of treason. There is no honor hear. You shame your own father.

  6. marliio says:

    This man should not have to serve one day of jail, until obama proves he is an american and shows another form than the doctored birth certificate, of his sister. I dont believe he is an american citizen, as many people dont.

    • JOJO says:

      The man disgraced the uniform and his prior good deeds. He is amongst many that are disgusted that President Obama was elected into office. Due to the fact that President Obama has an African father and Muslim sounding name, many in American see it as a slap in the face to let him serve as the commander and chief. Get over yourselves and concentrate on making America a power in this world again. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

  7. ohioborn1 says:

    Responding to John L. Work.

    There are no court orders sealing any of Obama’s records. In our country you have to respond to lawsuits against you, no matter how stupid they are. The column you have linked to is particularly stupid in that it claims that Obama’s elementary school records are “sealed.” NO they are not, and who knows if they exist anymore. Do elementary schools keep records back 45 or more years? No president has shown school records or high school records or college transcripts (a few showed grade point averages, but neither McCain nor Obama decided to do so), or financial aid or passports, or their parents’ marriage licenses. So Obama does not have to either, and he shouldn’t unless and until his Republican opponent in the next election shows the same thing, and then Obama probably would too.

  8. ohioborn1 says:

    Responding to marliio: “the doctored birth certificate, of his sister. ”

    Answer: It has been shown by the prominent birther Leo Donfrio, who did the Hawaii equivalent of a freedom of information act request, that Obama’s sister does not even have a Hawaii file in the Hawaii’s births registry. She does not have a Hawaii Certification of Live Birth, and hence it could not have been used to create Obama’s.

    Other allegations of forgery were made by two guys who would not give their names and whose expertise and credibility could not be checked. The McCain campaign checked into the allegations of forgery, as they checked into the allegations of birth in Kenya, and found them both false. I am told that the attorney general of Hawaii is a conservative Republican. If he thought that there was anything wrong with Obama’s birth certificate, he could have subpoenaed the original and taken action. But he didn’t.

    The Certification of Live Birth is the official and only birth certificate that Hawaii has sent out since 2001–even to people born before 2001. It no longer sends out copies of the original birth certificate, to anyone. The facts on Obama’s birth certificate were confirmed by the two heads of the department of vital records and department of health of Hawaii, twice, and by the Republican governor of Hawaii. And, there is this witness, who recalls being told of Obama’s birth in Hawaii and writing home about it:

    Obama’s Kenyan grandmother NEVER said that he was born in Kenya. She said repeatedly in the taped interview that he was born in Hawaii, where his father was studying, and she said in another interview that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama’s birth was in a letter from Hawaii.

  9. marliio says:

    As far as I know, obama has NEVER published his official long birth certificate because he doesnt have one. He published a doctored birth certificate. I will never believe he is an american, until his official birth certificate is tested for his authenticity, and I doubt this even exists. This is why he has spent 1=2 million dollars to hide his records, because he is hiding many secrets…

  10. marliio says:

    Oh obamas grandmother DID say obama was born in kenya. She said she and one of obamas cousins, were in the operating room when he was born.

  11. Johnny Chiro says:

    I don’t want to see his birth certificate. He admits his father was never a citizen and in fact is a british citizen from Kenya.
    To be president you need to be a “Natral Born Citizen” which means your father AND mother need to be citizens when you are born.
    Why? – because this was put into law to protect us from having to elect someone that might have split loyalties
    So who needs the birth certificate – he by his own admission is not “Natural Born” and he should know this being a constitutional professor, even though not knowing the law doesn’t protect you from having to obey it, especially in this case
    This has got to stop in this country right now to protect our sovergnty. Like the corporations of food and drug companies feeding us poisons that make us sicker while organic natural health care and foods are being put under attack, the military and banks and corporations stealing money through government programs, we can go on and on here.
    So lets let someone be president even though he admits he isn’t “Natural Born” and lets make him black so we can claim prejudice if anybody protests and lets make him Muslim to really stick a knife in Americas heart.
    I mean even if the guy has the right documentation
    What has more then half the people in this country gone crazy
    It is right in front of everybody
    WAKE UP !!!!!!!!
    And a guy who points this out and draws a line in the sand goes to jail for serving his country and obeying the law ?????????????????
    THIS IS MADNESS !!!!!!!!!!!

  12. ohioborn1 says:

    Re: “To be president you need to be a “Natral Born Citizen” which means your father AND mother need to be citizens when you are born.”

    Who told you this? IT IS WRONG. The original meaning of Natural Born, the one used at the time of the writing of the Constitution, and the one that applies to Obama, was simply citizenship due to birth in the country. It referred ONLY to the place of birth. It did not refer to the parents of a citizen–not at all.

    “Under the longstanding English common-law principle of jus soli, persons born within the territory of the sovereign (other than children of enemy aliens or foreign diplomats) are citizens from birth. Thus, those persons born within the United States are “natural born citizens” and eligible to be President. Much less certain, however, is whether children born abroad of United States citizens are “natural born citizens” eligible to serve as President …”—- Edwin Meese, et al, THE HERITAGE GUIDE TO THE CONSTITUTION (2005) [Edwin Meese was Ronald Reagan’st attorney general, and the Heritage Foundation is a well-known Conservative organization.]

    “Natural born citizen. Persons who are born within the jurisdiction of a national government, i.e. in its territorial limits, or those born of citizens temporarily residing abroad.” — Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition

    “What is a natural born citizen? Clearly, someone born within the United States or one of its territories is a natural born citizen.” (Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on OCTOBER 5, 2004)–Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT).

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