King Of The Birthers Andy Martin On Peter Boyles Radio Show – Obama’s Father Was Frank Marshall Davis (Updated Link)

Barack Obama, Jr.

Barack Obama, Sr.

Frank Marshall Davis

This morning conservative Denver talk-radio host Peter Boyles had Andy Martin, AKA the King of the Birthers, on the morning show.  Martin presents a credible case in support of his belief that Barack Obama’s father was actually Frank Marshall Davis.  This interview is well-worth a listen, if you have a spare half-hour or so.  Here’s the link to 630KHOW, where you can click on the 7:00 a.m. icon:


Here are the summaries of a few of Martin’s beliefs and theories about Obama’s origins:

1)      Obama looks very much like Frank Marshall Davis.  (I’ve posted all three of their photos above – Davis, Barack, Jr. and Barack, Sr. – for you to make your own decision about that.)

2)      Davis was married to a very wealthy woman from Chicago, with whom he moved to the Territory of Hawaii following controversy over his communist sympathizing and involvement in some Chicago labor-union troubles.

3)      Davis spent time at the Hawaii U. campus, where he did his share of dallying with the young women to be found there.  His wife did not object to these forays, so long as no one got pregnant.

4)      When Stanley Anne Dunham reported that she was pregnant, Obama, Sr. agreed to become the stand-in father to cover for Davis’ married situation.  What else could explain grandfather Stanley Dunham introducing Obama, Jr. to Davis and arranging for them to spend time together?  This would also explain why Obama, Sr., did not treat Obama, Jr. like a father would normally treat a son – he knew the child’s father was Frank Marshall Davis.

5)      There is no record of a marriage between Barack Obama, Sr. and Stanley Ann Dunham.  Senior did have a wife in Kenya at the time of Stanley Ann’s pregnancy.

6)      Obama has never revealed who financed his education in the exclusive private Hawaiian schools, at Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard University.  The Dunhams did not have that kind of money.  Obama’s grandmother worked in a bank and his grandfather worked in a furniture store.  Frank Marshall Davis did have that kind of money, by virtue of his marriage.

7)      Martin does not believe Obama, Jr. was born in Kenya.  It is more likely he was delivered at the home of the Dunhams.

8)      Who had the money to finance all of the travel for Stanley Ann and for Barack, Jr.’s schooling?  Frank Marshall Davis did – not the Dunhams.

9)      Obama was “dumped” on the American people by the media and no one, including John McCain, did anything to stop it.

Listen to all of it.  The interview continues on the 8:00 segment.

About John L. Work

John Lloyd Work has taken the detective thriller genre and woven an occasional political thread throughout his books, morphing what was once considered an arena reserved for pure fiction into believable, terrifying, futuristic, true-to-life “faction”. He traveled the uniformed patrolman’s path, answering brutal domestic violence calls, high speed chases, homicides, suicides, armed robberies, breaking up bar fights, and the accompanying sporadic unpredictable moments of terror - which eventually come to all police officers, sometimes when least expected. He gradually absorbed the hard fact that the greatest danger a cop faces comes in the form of day-to-day encounters with emotionally disturbed, highly intoxicated people. Those experiences can wear a cop down, grinding on his own emotions and psyche. Prolonged exposure to the worst of people and people at their worst can soon make him believe that the world is a sewer. That police officer’s reality is a common thread throughout Work’s crime fiction books. Following his graduation from high school, Work studied music and became a professional performer, conductor and teacher. Life made a sudden, unexpected turn when, one afternoon in 1976, his cousin, who eventually became the Chief of the Ontario, California, Police Department, talked him into riding along during a patrol shift. The musician was hooked into becoming a police officer. After working for two years as a reserve officer in Southern California and in Boulder, Colorado, he joined the Longmont, Colorado Police Department. Work served there for seven years, investigating crimes as a patrolman, detective and patrol sergeant. In 1989 he joined the Adams County, Colorado Sheriff’s Office, where he soon learned that locking a criminal up inside a jail or prison does not put him out of business. As a sheriff’s detective he investigated hundreds of crimes, including eleven contract murder conspiracies which originated “inside the walls”. While serving on the Adams County North Metro Gang Task Force and as a member of the Colorado Security Threat Intelligence Network Group (STING), Work designed a seminar on how a criminal’s mind formulates his victim selection strategy. Over a period of six years he taught that class in sheriff’s academies and colleges throughout Colorado. He saw the world of crime both inside the walls and out on the streets. His final experiences in the criminal law field were with the Colorado State Public Defender’s Office, where for nearly two years he investigated felonies from the defense side of the Courtroom. Twenty-two years of observing human nature at its worst, combined with watching some profound changes in America’s culture and political institutions, provided plenty of material for his first three books. A self-published author, he just finished writing his tenth thriller.
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15 Responses to King Of The Birthers Andy Martin On Peter Boyles Radio Show – Obama’s Father Was Frank Marshall Davis (Updated Link)

  1. Kaleokualoha says:

    Oh, please, Andy! More silliness? With your deductive powers and reasoning ability, Las Vegas could use your money.

    – Do you have ANY evidence that Davis spent time at the UofH campus? Fabricating evidence is frowned upon.

    – Davis did not have money to finance his children’s education, nor did he receive anything from his marriage. He was divorced before he met Obama. He lived in a run-down studio apartment in Waikiki.

    – “What else could explain grandfather Stanley Dunham introducing Obama, Jr. to Davis and arranging for them to spend time together?” The answer is supplied in “Dreams”: Gramps wanted a black influence in Barry’s life.

    Misrepresenting speculation as truth is dishonest.

    “The way to combat noxious ideas is with other ideas. The way to combat falsehoods is with truth.” – William O. Douglas

    • JT HUNT says:

      Oh, please, Andy! More silliness? With your deductive powers and reasoning ability, Las Vegas could use your money.

      ~*~*~ generally speaking, people who use smartyness as a response is indicative of the attempt to cunningly covering up a truth. Psych101

      – Do you have ANY evidence that Davis spent time at the UofH campus? Fabricating evidence is frowned upon.
      ~*~*~ Simply the fact he was into child porn and wrote about it says he could easily have skipped upon the campus to lure young men and women into illegal sex. Can you prove he was not on campus? Also, don’t forget he was long time KS pals with the commie Dunhams and at the time both families were in Hawaii–why not look them up? Wouldn’t that be simple to understand and believe? Did you see the kiddie porn pic Davis has of Stanley Anne Dunham? She was a young teen when that sexy nude was taken. I wonder if it’s real?

      – Davis did not have money to finance his children’s education, nor did he receive anything from his marriage. He was divorced before he met Obama. He lived in a run-down studio apartment in Waikiki.
      ~*~*~ Can you prove this about the money situation? I think you are telling lies.

      – “What else could explain grandfather Stanley Dunham introducing Obama, Jr. to Davis and arranging for them to spend time together?” The answer is supplied in “Dreams”: Gramps wanted a black influence in Barry’s life.
      ~*~*~ To hook young Barry up with an admitted child rapist, kiddie porn jerk and commie? Sure. I think the common sense easy answer is–this is his real father–why else introduce the child to such a creepy kiddie porn messed up socialist for the stupid progressive thinking reasoning of having a black influence in his life? That’s nuts!

      Misrepresenting speculation as truth is dishonest.
      ~*~*~ Practice what you preach.

      “The way to combat noxious ideas is with other ideas. The way to combat falsehoods is with truth.” – William O. Douglas
      ~*~*~ You just got served. Aloha!

  2. Kaleokualoha says:

    Davis’s wife was not “very wealthy.” Helen Davis was estranged from her wealthy family due to her marriage, and worked selling Avon cosmetics in Hawaii.

    • JT HUNT says:

      ~*~*~ You are the only person on the Internet who claims the wealthy Helen Davis, wife of Frank Marshall Davis, had to sell Avon cosmetics to survive because she was disowned by her family. You’re full of it.

  3. Kaleokualoha says:

    BTW: Andy, you need to pick a position. Do you believe that Obama IS or IS NOT eligible to be President as a “natural born citizen”? This is a binary question.

  4. Kaleokualoha says:

    Can anyone else outline a coherent position on this issue?

    • John L. Work says:

      That depends on your definition of “coherent”. If rational unanswered questions equate to “incoherent” in your lexicon, then I suppose a lot of us are “incoherent”. I outlined Andy Martin’s belief in this post. I do not believe what he believes, because I don’t know what to believe.

      The “anyone” you are looking for currently resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Wasington, D.C. He can clear this all up with a phone call and a stroke of his pen. He refuses to do so. We actually know very little about this man we’ve elected to the most powerful office in the world.

      Until he releases some of his documented historical records, all we have are unanswered questions about who he really is.

      Here’s a different look at some hard evidence:

      Best Evidence Of Obama Fraud – Debbie Schlussel’s Investigation – Selective Service Registration Records

    • steve k. says:

      Yes! How about Stanley Dunham sought out Davis not to be Obama’s mentor but to ask Davis to “Man Up” and send his daughter some child support! Also, Obama Sr. had many black wives, Davis liked white women. Obama’s Dreams book relates to the aspirations of Communist Davis who had the majority influence over Obama, whereas Sr. had virtually no input in Obama’s early life. Obama knows Davis is his birth father but had to get out in front of this and keep the scenario alive by writing Dreams. These Dreams coincide with the dreams of Frank M. Davis! I am convinced. Now we need Maury Povich to get the DNA results!

  5. JT HUNT says:

    I don’t believe much in coincidence or conspiracy theories. I find it extremely odd that Frank Marshall Davis has significant documented roots in Kansas, Hawaii, and Chicago just as Obama does. It’s just too weird.

  6. Kaleokualoha says:

    “~*~*~ Simply the fact he was into child porn and wrote about it says he could easily have skipped upon the campus to lure young men and women into illegal sex. Can you prove he was not on campus? Also, don’t forget he was long time KS pals with the commie Dunhams and at the time both families were in Hawaii–why not look them up? Wouldn’t that be simple to understand and believe? Did you see the kiddie porn pic Davis has of Stanley Anne Dunham? She was a young teen when that sexy nude was taken. I wonder if it’s real?”

    Of course he “could have” spent time there. That is not the point of contention. The original comment is that he “spent time” there, not that he “could have spent time there.” To misrepresent speculation as fact as dishonest. Further, there is no evidence that Davis ever met Obama’s mother. As they say on C.S.I.: “Follow the evidence!”

    “Truth is generally the best vindication against slander.”
    – Abraham Lincoln

  7. Kaleokualoha says:

    ~*~*~ To hook young Barry up with an admitted child rapist, kiddie porn jerk and commie? Sure. I think the common sense easy answer is–this is his real father–why else introduce the child to such a creepy kiddie porn messed up socialist for the stupid progressive thinking reasoning of having a black influence in his life? That’s nuts!

    What an active imagination! Why are you spreading the nasty rumour that Frank Marshall Davis was a “admitted child rapist”? Are you trying to railroad Davis with just the trumped-up evidence that his porn novel included sex with an underage teenager, or is there any empirical evidence, such as court records or confirmatory statements from Davis himself? A novel is fiction, and is fraudulent evidence for such accusations! Do you also consider the author of “Lolita” to be a child rapist, or just Davis? Perhaps it’s time for MythBusters to take a closer look at this unsubstantiated claim.

    Sorry, but this is a hoax, and suggests you have been misinformed. Davis wrote a semi-autobiographical NOVEL. You may not be aware of this, but a novel is a work of FICTION! In this regard, Davis’s book is like Samuel Clemens “Roughing It,” in that they were both written under pseudonyms that were also fictional characters in their stories:

    “Samuel Clemens wrote autobiographical novels under the pseudonym “Mark Twain,” including “Roughing It,” which “follows the travels of young Mark Twain through the Wild West during the years 1861–1867. After a brief stint as a Confederate cavalry militiaman, he joined his brother Orion Clemens, who had been appointed Secretary of the Nevada Territory, on a stagecoach journey west. Twain consulted his brother’s diary to refresh his memory and borrowed heavily from his active imagination for many stories in the novel.” (

    In both cases authors used pseudonyms to publish autobiographical novels that were “fictionalized but still based upon actual occurrences.” In both cases these novels presented fictionalized adventures of their pseudonymous characters. Does anyone claim that the adventures of “Mark Twain” literally occurred in the life of Samuel Clemens, because “Mark Twain” said they happened? If not, then why should anyone claim that the adventures of Bob Greene literally occurred in the life of Frank Marshall Davis, because “Bob Greene” said they happened? Fair weather principles indicate bias.

    You will find that contrary to fairy tales drifting around the blogosphere, Davis never “admitted” that any of the events from his novel actually happened in real life. You will find that critics are trying to railroad Davis with trumped-up evidence, just like Mike Nifong tried to railroad the Duke lacrosse team, Andrew Brietbart tried to railroad Shirley Sherrod, and Dr. Hatfill was railroaded in the anthrax letters case.

    The issue is rather simple: Either you literally attribute fictional characters’ stories to their authors’ real lives, or you accept that fictional characters’ stories are fiction. By definition, even semi-autobiographical novels are fictionalized accounts of their authors’ own lives. Research should reveal that ALL fictional narrators of such novels claim the events are true, although their actual authors make no such claims!

    “Have patience awhile; slanders are not long-lived. Truth is the child of time; erelong she shall appear to vindicate thee.” – Immanuel Kant

  8. Kaleokualoha says:

    Obama should have let the Birthers fester for a while longer. This was the perfect wedge issue to polarize the GOP. Despite the release of the official Hawaii C.O.L.B., and despite statements by Hawaii State officials attesting to its validity, the right-wing fringe continued to reject this evidence based SOLELY on propaganda from the Conservative Disinformation Network (CDN).

    This acceptance may be even more remarkable than “Good German” acceptance of Nazi propaganda, because Germans did not have much access to better information. American predisposition to believe CDN propaganda was clearly established after 9/11, and many are just as gullible now as they were then.

    Let’s see how the CDN spins this inconvenient truth!

  9. steve k. says:

    Just finished “Deconstructing Obama”. The F.M.Davis scenario as Obama’s birth father makes more sense than the official storyline. Could someone please do some maternal DNA research. Just need DNA from someone in Obama Sr. bloodline and someone in Davis’ bloodline and a used toothbrush from someone in the first family. My theory as to why Obama does not want his transcripts from college released is that his application lists a foreign POB in order to qualify for free foreign born scholarships. Not an unlikely scenario given that his whole life is infested with fraud.

  10. Kaleokualoha says:

    As they say on C.S.I.: “Follow the evidence!”

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