Islam-Ignoramus Michael Bloomberg: Coming Riots By America’s Unemployed Will Parallel Egypt’s Revolt (Re-Done)

The Flaming Leftist Backs Obama

How do people like Michael Bloomberg gather such immense wealth and power?  It can’t be intellectual acuity or an ability to analyze the political effects of Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood on the Middle East’s instability.  Thanks to Drudge, here’s the CNN Money report on Bloomberg’s recent de facto permission for America’s unemployed to riot – and a very subtle hint he dropped that we’re to blame it on the Republicans in Congress for obstructing Barack Obama’s ruinous economic policy ideas:

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is worried that high U.S. unemployment could lead to the same kind of riots here that have swept through Europe and North Africa.

“You have a lot of kids graduating college, [who] can’t find jobs,” said Bloomberg, during his weekly radio show on Friday. “That’s what happened in Cairo. That’s what happened in Madrid. You don’t want those kinds of riots here.”

Tell ya what, Mike.  You have a hell of a lot of American baby boomers who have lost their jobs, too, and can’t get re-hired.  So, are you suggesting that the Boomers are going to burn down the house?  Or is that activity reserved for the kids whose moms and dads financed their Ivy League educations and now are unhappy because they’re stuck out here with the rest of us in the real Obamaville of government induced poverty?

“The public is not happy,” he said. “The public knows there is something wrong in this country, and there is. The bottom line is that they’re upset.”

You bet we’re upset.  We’re upset because we have a communist in the White House who is taking this country straight down the toilet – deliberately – by taxing and spending us into oblivion.  It’s called the Cloward-Piven model, designed to intentionally collapse the American economy.  That’s what we’re upset about.

Riots have gripped various countries in European cities, including Athens and London, fueled by young people infuriated by high unemployment and austerity measures, which in some cases has led to looting. High unemployment among youth is also one of the driving forces behind the Arab Spring, as impoverished protestors in North Africa and the Middle East rose up against their heavy-handed governments.

Uh huh.  And the Muslim Brotherhood was right in the middle of it.

“The damage to a generation that can’t find jobs will go on for many, many years,” said Bloomberg.

Oh, please, dude.  Get the communists out of the White House and Congress, stop bleeding the treasury dry on the war without end, get the troops the hell out of the Middle East and put them on our southern border, stop importing Muslim immigrants, drill for our own oil right here, quit pouring money into mosques in the World of Islam, break our ties with the Saudis and develop our own oil supplies, repeal Obamacare, lower income taxes on the wealthy (remember, a poor man never gave anyone a job, Mike), get rid of the capital gains tax, give some incentives for business owners to start hiring again by not choking them to death with federal regulations, get rid of the EPA, the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, and you’ll see some jobs created, Mike.  We’ll be fine.  Seriously.  Quit spending money that we don’t have and get the government out of the way, Mike.

The mayor, an independent, criticized the partisan politics that have stymied progress in Congress, and the inability of Republicans and Democrats to compromise on ways to fix the economy.

The mayor is not an independent.  He is a flaming leftist who doesn’t know a thing about what’s driving the revolts in the Middle East.  And he means that the Republicans should stop fighting Obama’s efforts to completely wreck this country and turn us into a Socialist Third World Republic.  That’s what he means by compromise.  Don’t argue with Obama’s ideas – ever.  Just roll over and be quiet.  Obey Him – the One from Chicago.

“There is no overnight solution,” he said.”You look at the president’s proposals. At least he’s got some ideas on the table, whether you like those or not.”

“The only way you solve this problems is that everybody pays a little more and everybody gets a little less,” he added.

Right.  Everybody pays more and gets less except you, Obama and all the Congressional fat cats who are riding around in limousines that we’re paying for in D.C.  We don’t have any more to pay, Mike.  We’re tapped out.  Find some government programs to cut that are obstructing our business leaders.

And while you’re at it, tell Barack and Michelle (I can’t stop eating french fries) Obama to quit muscling restaurant chains into refusing to offer french fries to kids.  Kids like french fries.

About John L. Work

John Lloyd Work has taken the detective thriller genre and woven an occasional political thread throughout his books, morphing what was once considered an arena reserved for pure fiction into believable, terrifying, futuristic, true-to-life “faction”. He traveled the uniformed patrolman’s path, answering brutal domestic violence calls, high speed chases, homicides, suicides, armed robberies, breaking up bar fights, and the accompanying sporadic unpredictable moments of terror - which eventually come to all police officers, sometimes when least expected. He gradually absorbed the hard fact that the greatest danger a cop faces comes in the form of day-to-day encounters with emotionally disturbed, highly intoxicated people. Those experiences can wear a cop down, grinding on his own emotions and psyche. Prolonged exposure to the worst of people and people at their worst can soon make him believe that the world is a sewer. That police officer’s reality is a common thread throughout Work’s crime fiction books. Following his graduation from high school, Work studied music and became a professional performer, conductor and teacher. Life made a sudden, unexpected turn when, one afternoon in 1976, his cousin, who eventually became the Chief of the Ontario, California, Police Department, talked him into riding along during a patrol shift. The musician was hooked into becoming a police officer. After working for two years as a reserve officer in Southern California and in Boulder, Colorado, he joined the Longmont, Colorado Police Department. Work served there for seven years, investigating crimes as a patrolman, detective and patrol sergeant. In 1989 he joined the Adams County, Colorado Sheriff’s Office, where he soon learned that locking a criminal up inside a jail or prison does not put him out of business. As a sheriff’s detective he investigated hundreds of crimes, including eleven contract murder conspiracies which originated “inside the walls”. While serving on the Adams County North Metro Gang Task Force and as a member of the Colorado Security Threat Intelligence Network Group (STING), Work designed a seminar on how a criminal’s mind formulates his victim selection strategy. Over a period of six years he taught that class in sheriff’s academies and colleges throughout Colorado. He saw the world of crime both inside the walls and out on the streets. His final experiences in the criminal law field were with the Colorado State Public Defender’s Office, where for nearly two years he investigated felonies from the defense side of the Courtroom. Twenty-two years of observing human nature at its worst, combined with watching some profound changes in America’s culture and political institutions, provided plenty of material for his first three books. A self-published author, he just finished writing his tenth thriller.
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